Cambridge Programme Results - November 2023 |

Cambridge Programme Results - November 2023

12th January 2024

We are very proud to announce the results achieved by our Cambridge students in the November 2023 Cambridge International examinations.


At the Advanced Level (AL), 36% of all subject entries resulted in a distinction with almost 60% of all subject entries resulting in a B symbol or higher.  Special congratulations go to Josh Lewis who averaged 94% across 4 AL subjects and Sebastien Lorentz who averaged 93% across his 4 AL subjects.


Details of our top-performing AL students are shown below:

Josh Lewis

Mathematics                          A*

Physics                                  A*

Further Mathematics             A*

Geography                             A


Sebastien Lorentz

Mathematics                           A*

Physics                                   A*

Chemistry                               A*

Further Mathematics              A*


Quinn O’Keefe-Easton

Biology                                  A*

Mathematics                           A

Chemistry                               A

Physics                                   A


Mamahloli Mohapi

Mathematics                           A*

Chemistry                               A*

Biology                                   A*


Erica Manson-Combrink

English Language                    A

Mathematics                            A

Biology                                    A

Art and Design                        B


Anna Wellman

Mathematics                          A

Chemistry                              A

Biology                                  A


Joshua McIntosh

Economics                             A

Mathematics                          A

Physics                                  A


Oscar Pause

Mathematics                           A*

Computer Science                  A*

Economics                              B


In the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) year, 30.4% of all subject entries resulted in a distinction and 51% of all subject entries resulted in a B symbol or higher. Over a quarter of the AS cohort achieved 3 or more distinctions.

Special congratulations go to Zoë Grobler and Hayley van Staden who both achieved five distinctions in five AS subjects.

We also congratulate the following students who achieved three distinctions or more: Tassius Chigariro, Loré de Kock, Raaid Fajander, James Jooste, Morgan Phillips, Jaryd Pringle, -Nelia Swanepoel and Matthew Visser.


The AS results are very promising as the subject averages show that our students have been well-prepared to enter the second year of the Somerset College Cambridge Programme with confidence. Cambridge International have tightened up on the thresholds now and have moved back to pre-COVID thresholds. We thank our parents for their continued and loyal support of the programme over the years as they too have played an important role in the success achieved by their children.


We have a strong cohort of AS students registered to start the Cambridge Programme in 2024 and we hope they take inspiration from these excellent results obtained by our AS and AL students in the 2023 examinations.


Gareth Tucker
Senior Deputy Head: Academic Planning
Director: Somerset College Cambridge Programme