Somerset College Cambridge Programme Results - November 2024
We are very proud to announce the results achieved by our Cambridge students in the November 2024 Cambridge International examinations.
At the Advanced Level (AL), a third of all subject entries resulted in a distinction with almost 60% of all subject entries resulting in a B symbol or higher. Special congratulations go to Morgan Phillips who scored 4 distinctions including 96% for AL Mathematics and Zoë Grobler who achieved 3 A* with an average of 94%.
Considering that the Advanced Level is viewed as a higher qualification than a South African National Senior Certificate, our candidates have done very well to achieve these excellent results and we extend our congratulations to all of them.
Details of our top-performing AL students are shown below:
Morgan Phillips
A* - Mathematics
A* - Chemistry
A - Physics
A - Further Mathematics
Zoë Grobler,
A* - Mathematics
A* - Biology
A* - Chemistry
Tassius Chigariro
A* - Physics
A - Mathematics
A - Computer Science
B - Further Mathematics
James Jooste
A* - Mathematics
A - Physics
A - Further Mathematics
B - Music
Milo Evans
A* - Physics
A - Mathematics
A - Chemistry
C - Further Mathematics
Nelia Swanepoel
A* - Computer Science
A - Mathematics
A - Physics
Luke Pyle
A - Computer Science
A - Mathematics
B - Further Mathematics
B - Economics
Hermione Shaw
A - Economics
A - Geography
B - Mathematics
Matthew Visser
A - Physics
A - Computer Science
B - Mathematics
Raaid Fajandar
A - Physics
A - Mathematics
C - Further Mathematics
In the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) year, 28 % of all subject entries resulted in a distinction and nearly 60% all subject entries resulted in a B symbol or higher.
Special congratulations go to Victoria Still who achieved 5 distinctions, averaging 92,4% with 98% for Mathematics and Matthew Wellington who achieved 4 distinctions.
We also congratulate the following students who achieved three distinctions: Maria Datsenko, Yusuf Gangat, Kate Rankin and Tiffany Rogerson.
The AS results are very promising as the subject averages show that our students have been well-prepared to enter the second year of the Somerset College Cambridge Programme with confidence. We trust that they will build on the foundation they have laid in the AS year.
We thank our parents for their continued and loyal support of the programme over the years as they too have played an important role in the success achieved by their children.
We have a strong cohort of AS students registered to start the Cambridge Programme in 2025 and we hope they take inspiration from these excellent results obtained by our AS and AL students in the 2024 examinations.